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Vim li cas ntau lub lag luam xaiv Petroleum Resin?


Petroleum resin tuaj yeem siv dav hauv ntau lub lag luam, Roj av Resin xws li xim, roj hmab, thiab lwm yam. Vim li cas roj av resin thiaj li nrov?

Petroleum resin zoo: Petroleum resin yog ib yam khoom tshiab tsim tshuaj nyob rau xyoo tas los no. Vim nws tus nqi qis, zoo miscibility, tsis tshua muaj melting point, Roj av Resin dej tsis kam, ethanol kuj thiab tshuaj, Roj Hmab Resin nws yuav tau lug siv nyob rau hauv roj hmab, adhesives, coatings, Roj av Resin Ntau yam industries thiab teb xws li ntawv ua thiab number case.

Qhov sib txawv ntawm cov roj av resin thiab lwm cov thermosetting tebchaw yog tias nws tsis emit tsawg-molecular compounds thaum lub sij hawm curing txheej txheem, Petroleum Resin thiab nws muaj ib tug high degree ntawm condensation nyob rau hauv lub xeev cov kua. Lub sijhawm kho yog los ntawm kev sib ntxiv ncaj qha. Rau qhov tsis hloov kho, qhov shrinkage yog me me. Feem ntau, Petroleum Resin yog kwv yees li 2%, uas txhais tau hais tias qhov volatility ntawm cov molecules tsawg heev. Petroleum resin raug muab pov rau hauv cov pwm pwm, Petroleum Resin lub ntim ntawm cov qauv pwm kab noj hniav thiab qhov ntim ntawm cov qauv tom qab molding raug ntsuas, Roj av Resin thiab lub ntim shrinkage ntawm cov qauv raug xam.

Kev sim txoj kev: Disassemble lub pwm thiab tshem tawm cov qauv resin tom qab molding, Petroleum Resin thiab tom qab ntawd siv calipers kom raug ntsuas qhov kab noj hniav loj (nrog rau qhov ntev, qhov dav, thiab qhov siab) ntawm cov pwm ntawm cov pwm, Petroleum Resin raug rau 0.01 hli. . ) Tso cov qauv cob rau ntawm qhov sib npaug nrog tooj liab hlau lossis kab plaub hau thiab hnyav hauv huab cua, Petroleum Resin tom qab ntawd muab cov qauv tso rau hauv 20 distilled dej, ntsuas nws hauv dej, thiab ntsuas qhov tseeb rau 0.001 g.

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