Xov xwm

Peb zoo siab los qhia rau koj txog cov txiaj ntsig ntawm peb txoj haujlwm, xov xwm hauv tuam txhab, thiab muab kev txhim kho raws sijhawm rau koj thiab cov neeg ua haujlwm teem caij thiab tshem tawm cov xwm txheej.
  • Xyoo 2020, Ib feem ntawm peb qhov project ceramic aggregates rau koj siv:


  • Peb Maleic Modified rosin ester yog lub teeb xim resin uas pom muaj zog adhesion, zoo xim stability thiab kub stability. yooj yim yaj nyob rau hauv char, esters, turpentine kuab tshuaj. Peb cov khoom tuaj yeem soluble tag nrho hauv cov kuab tshuaj roj (120


  • Peb Txoj Kev kos xim xim rosin ester yog tshwj xeeb rau txoj kev kos xim xim. txoj kev kos xim pleev xim rau cov resins no muaj ntau yam nta. xws li anti-siab, anti-abrasion, antipollution. tsim nyog leveling thiab ceev dryness, qis melting kub kuj muaj zoo tsis kam mus yellowing thiab aging.


  • Peb Cov Txheej Txheem Tshiab Ceramic aggregates rau koj cov yeeb yam:


  • Maleic acid resin yog lub teeb daj pob tshab pob tshab flake khoom, uas yog tsim los ntawm kev ntxiv rosin refined li raw khoom thiab txiv neej anhydride, thiab ces esterifying nrog pentaerythritol. Soluble nyob rau hauv coal char solvents, esters, zaub roj, turpentine, tab sis insoluble nyob rau hauv cawv.


  • Siv xab npum lossis tshuaj ntxuav tes thiab ntxuav tes nrog dej ntws. Siv cov ntaub so ntswg pov tseg los yog cov phuam huv huv los so tes. Ntxuav tes tam sim ntawd tom qab kov cov pa ua pa (xws li tom qab txham).


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